Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chocolate and mail

When the package says "Drinking chocolate, mix in with warm milk" they really mean it. It won't dissolve in cold milk.

And mail arrives on Saturday mornings. Imagine that...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Electricity plugs

I really like the electric outlets and plugs here. No more frustration being unable to plug something in, screaming and stomping on the damn thing. And every outlet has a power switch.

And no more "don't pull out the cable by yanking the cord' warnings, because you can't.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Post codes

I think I understand post codes now.

Don't think of an address as a street and street number. Think of an address as a post code.

The post code narrows your location down to just a few doors on a street. Think 5 doors (it'll probably be closer to 5 than 20). So which door is it exactly? Just provide a house name or a house number.

So a complete address can be something like "SW1V 3LX, 27", which would mean "Foostreet 27, SW1V 3LX, London". The 27 is just there to make it unique.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New country, new hypocracies

The nanny state in the form of Vodaphone feels that grown-up content, which I assume includes porn but also, is something I must be protected against. So that's blocked. They require a fee of one pound to unlock it.

Hello tiered interwebs.

While going home on the train today the guy next to me was reading some news paper. On one page there was a topless woman covering the page from top to bottom. Where's Vodaphone when I need them? I will be damaged for life...